Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injury Treatment

for Upper East Side, Upper West Side, NY; Greenwich, Westport, New Canaan, CT & Beyond

Plancher Orthopaedics specializes in shoulder injury treatments for patients throughout Greenwich, New Canaan, and Westport, CT as well as the Upper East Side and Upper West Side, NY areas. Shoulder injuries can be grouped into 2 categories; instability and impingement. The anatomy of the shoulder includes the humerus, clavicle, and acromion. Overhead and upper extremity sports such as basketball, football, swimming, tennis, and baseball are associated with shoulder injuries. The shoulder is best compared to a golf ball on a tee since it allows significant amounts of motion, therefore it is vulnerable to instability and episodes of dislocation. When a shoulder dislocates, X-Rays and an MRI should be obtained to evaluate for bony abnormality and cartilage damage of the cushioning (called the labrum) between the “golf ball and the tee.” A labral tear can be caused by dislocations and is an injury that occurs most often in adolescents and can result in clicking and further instability. In the throwing and overhead athlete, labral tears should be fixed surgically for best results. Non-surgical treatment of physical therapy to strengthen surrounding muscles can be effective in the non-athletic population however if clicking or another episode of instability occurs, surgery is recommended. If you are experienced dislocated shoulder symptoms, contact our team today.

Common Shoulder Injuries

The most common shoulder injury is impingement of the 4 rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis). Impingement injuries target adults and elderly people. It can occur with either a single trauma or with repetitive overhead motions. Impingement involves the rotator cuff muscles, specifically the supraspinatus getting pinched in the space between the humerus and the acromion. Physical therapy to strengthen these rotator cuff muscles and the muscles that stabilize the scapula (or shoulder blade in the back) can help reduce symptoms. If they persist, repair of the rotator cuff muscles provides relief in tears that are small or moderate size. Early detection of these shoulder injuries is important because if a tear is massive or is retracted too far from its attachment point, it becomes more difficult to fix.

Some other common injuries that occur in the shoulder include biceps tendonitis and frozen shoulder. Biceps tendonitis is an inflammation in the front of the shoulder where the biceps tendon attaches. A frozen shoulder can be a complication after a fracture or surgery when the shoulder is immobilized for a long period of time. Frozen shoulder is a formation of scar tissue within the shoulder, which decreases the movement allowed. Individuals with diabetes are also more susceptible to frozen shoulders. Common treatments for both biceps tendonitis and frozen shoulder include physical therapy or injections, and in severe cases, these shoulder injuries may require surgical intervention. We can help you restore your shoulder function in Greenwich, CT; New Canaan, CT; Westport, CT; Upper East Side, NY; Upper West Side, NY; and beyond.

Shoulder Dislocation & Rotator Cuff Treatment

If the soft tissues that stabilize the shoulder are torn or strained when you dislocate your shoulder, or if you dislocate your shoulder often, you might need surgery to repair or tighten the damaged tissue. There are two main types of shoulder dislocation surgery:

  • Arthroscopic Surgery: This procedure uses small incisions to access the shoulder tissue to tighten torn or stretched tissue. Arthroscopic surgery repairs or tightens these tissues. It is performed under general anaesthesia and is considered an outpatient procedure; you can expect to return home within hours following the operation. Expect three to six months of physical therapy to rebuild your muscle strength and restore range of motion.
  • Open Shoulder Surgery: This is a more in-depth procedure that is usually performed after arthroscopic procedures don’t fully fix the dislocated shoulder symptoms. There are different types of open shoulder surgery and your recovery time will vary depending on what you need.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Orthopedic Surgeon

At Plancher Orthopaedics, our orthopedic surgeon is here to help you find the root cause of your shoulder pain. As a common sports injury, dislocating, pulling, or straining your shoulder can be very painful. A shoulder injury can occur whilst playing football, baseball, and any other sport that requires complex throwing motions. We are here to identify dislocated shoulder symptoms, rotator cuff issues, or other shoulder injuries. For more information regarding shoulder injuries, appropriate shoulder injury surgeries, and rotator cuff treatment options, please reach out to us today. If you or someone you know is experiencing dislocated shoulder symptoms or pain as the result of playing a sport or due to an accident, contact our office for an appointment. Our orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine expert is proud to provide shoulder injury treatments to patients throughout Greenwich, CT; New Canaan, CT; Westport, CT; Upper East Side, NY; Upper West Side, NY, and the surrounding areas.