Don’t Keep Your Kid Away from Sports

Kid Away from SportsSure, sports activities always come with the risk for sports injuries. However, your child could me missing out on a big part of his life if you don’t let him participate in a sport that he might actually be good at. Don’t keep your child on the bleachers. You can always avoid injuries while your kiddo is on the field. Here are three easy ways for your child to avoid sports injuries.

Use protective gear as much as possible. They have a purpose!

There is a reason why protective sports gears are made, and that is to keep you away from untoward accidents in the middle of your activity. Have your child wear helmets to protect their head from any injury while skateboarding, biking, playing hockey, and other similar sports. Make sure that they wear the right helmets for the sport they are interested in. Moreover, helmets should fit their heads snugly and comfortably. Other protective gears include goggles, mouthguards, and elbow, wrist, or knee guards.

Teach your child to warm up and cool down.

Warming up is an essential starter in any strenuous sports activity. Because your child may not know this, it is your job to teach him how to do it. Do a little stretching together to keep the muscles and joints fueled before the action begins. Furthermore, it is essential to cool down after the exhausting activity.

Make sure your child knows the rules of the game.

Especially if your child is still new to a specific sport, it is important to keep him aware of the rules. Injuries are common to those who are not knowledgeable of the rules since they can do hasty actions, leading to injuries.

Sports Injuries in New York City

Different sports can be an enjoyable experience for your child, especially with the right guidance and protection from any untoward accidents. In case of any sports injuries, call us right away at 212-876-5200 to have your child’s condition checked by one of our sports medicine experts here at Plancher Orthopaedics. 

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Have you been injured in a skiing, snowboarding, or snow related accident?

Contact us about any ankle, knee, or shoulder injuries you’ve experienced this winter.