Morton’s Neuroma Frequently Asked Questions

Morton’s neuroma, or interdigital neuroma, is a painful condition which involves a nerve on the plantar aspect (bottom) of the foot. Occasionally a neuroma develops following a bruising injury to the sole of the foot, such as might be caused by jumping onto a rock or other objects, but in general, the origin of the condition is unknown. Click here for more information.
The patient complains of a burning , tingling, slightly numb feeling (dysesthesias) which radiates out to the toes on either side of the interspace that is involved. The symptoms are usually aggravated by wearing shoes, particularly those with high heels. Symptoms are relieved by walking in flat, wide shoes or going barefoot. Rarely will the patient experience pain when sitting or laying down. Click here for more information.

The physician will take a full history from the patient and will complete a physical exam which will reveal exceptional tenderness in the involved interspace when the nerve area is pressed on the bottom of the foot. Imaging studies such as MRI or ultrasound provide inconsistent results and are not a useful diagnostic tool for Morton’s Neuroma.

Click here for more information.

Most patients’ symptoms subside when they change footwear to a wide soft shoe with a metatarsal support inside to relieve the pressure on the involved area. If this treatment fails, a cortisone injection into the nerve is occasionally helpful. Click here for more information.
The operation for Morton’s neuroma does not require an overnight hospital stay. The anesthetic used is an ankle block, which completely numbs the foot during the surgery. The physician removes the neuroma from an incision made on the top of the foot between the involved metatarsal heads. The nerve to the interspace is exposed and cut next to the metatarsal heads. Click here for more information.
The main complication resulting from a neuroma excision (removal) is a recurrence of the neuroma. The nerve itself doesn’t return, but whenever a portion of a nerve is removed, the stump will form a little bulb known as a traumatic or stump neuroma. Occasionally after surgery, the patient will have an area of numbness on the bottom of the foot which is described as feeling like a wrinkle in the sock. This discomfort usually disappears in time. Click here for more information.
The patient’s foot remains in a surgical dressing for three weeks to allow the tissues to heal. During this time the patient walks in a stiff post-operative shoe. It usually takes about two months for the patient to comfortably resume usual activities. Click here for more information.
Although it is possible to have two neuromas in the same foot simultaneously, it is quite uncommon. Results of the removal of two neuromas are far less successful than when only one neuroma is removed. Click here for more information.
This is possible, but it does not usually occur. A neuroma is usually an isolated entity occurring in only one foot at a time. Click here for more information.
Once a neuroma is removed, it cannot return. Whenever the nerve is cut, however, a small growth occurs at the end of the nerve called a “stump neuroma”. This small ball of tissue at the end of the nerve can be sensitive if it is under a weight-bearing area of the foot. Click here for more information.

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