Kevin And Jill Plancher of Greenwich CT Establish Foundation To Help Maintain Active And Healthy Lifestyles

For Immediate Release

KEVIN AND JILL PLANCHER OF GREENWICH, CT ESTABLISH FOUNDATION TO HELP MAINTAIN ACTIVE AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLES; The Orthopaedic Foundation for Active Lifestyles is designed to offer academically sound clinically relevant updates on advanced orthopaedic surgery technologies, and new medications and treatments for degenerative musculoskeletal diseases, such as arthritis.

Greenwich, CT and New York, NY January 2005 Kevin and Jill Plancher of Greenwich, Connecticut have announced the creation of a new, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help all of us who are living longer, do so while maintaining our active and healthy lifestyles. Through medical research, education and community rehabilitation training programs, the Foundation will help all of us better understand the rapidly developing advancements being made in orthopaedic surgical procedures; and the unequaled amount of data being collected to combat degenerative cartilage diseases such as arthritis.

“The Foundation was designed to offer academically sound and clinically relevant updates on advanced technologies, including new minimally invasive surgical techniques and new medications and treatments”, Dr. Plancher explains. It will supplement these professional education trainings with opportunities for hands on laboratory experience in its BioSkills Laboratory. The Laboratory, the largest in the Northeast, houses six wet/dry stations that will accommodate from 12-24 physicians-in-training.

In addition to hosting or presenting hands on training opportunities within the BioSkills Lab, work going on there can be transmitted through its highly sophisticated T1 line live feed capabilities to an additional 12 participants in the Course Training Library at the Foundation as well as to other physicians, researchers, and health professionals-in-training at teaching hospitals and universities literally throughout the world!

The Foundations focus will be on: medical education and medical research concerning advanced techniques in minimally invasive orthopaedic surgery, and treatment of degenerative disease such as arthritis. It will also focus on community outreach educational and rehabilitative programs to augment middle and high school science courses; introduce sports medicine and athletic training programs to school students; teach arthritis sufferers to better manage their disease, increasing their skills and confidence; and offer weekend warriors rehabilitation programs.

The Orthopaedic Foundation for Active Lifestyles is a (501)C(3) not-for-profit institution. Proceeds from donations and laboratory rentals will support its medical education, research, and community outreach efforts. For more information about how you can help support the Orthopaedic Foundation for Active Lifestyles, host or participate in its programs and workshops, contact Lynne P. Raymond, Director of Development at (203) 869-2002, Extension 402.

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