Knee Injuries in Cos Cob or New York


Treat Your Knee Injury in Cos Cob or New York

The knee is the largest joint in the body and is the most common injury in sports. The knee is composed of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone) and the patella (kneecap). Ligament tears are a debilitating injury and cause episodes of instability and “giving way”. The collateral ligaments are at the sides of the knee and control stability during side to side movements. The cruciate ligaments are responsible for providing stability of the knee and form an “X” pattern inside the knee connecting the femur to the tibia. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) controls front to back motion and rotation of the femur on the tibia. It is commonly injured in high demand sports like soccer, basketball, skiing, and football. Complete tears require surgical reconstruction of the ligament and if not fixed can lead to significant arthritis later in life.

The patella is the largest floating bone in the body, known as a sesmoid. Spontaneous patella dislocations can occur in adolescents ages 13-18 due to poor bony alignment, abnormal walking patterns, and muscular imbalance. If multiple episodes of dislocation or subluxation events occur, patellofemoral degenerative changes called chondromalacia (arthritis) can occur later in life. Overuse injuries involving the patellar are patellar tendonitis, bursitis, and IT band syndrome. These can occur after repetitive stair climbing, running, or bicycling activities.

The meniscus is another important structure in the knee that acts as a shock absorber between the femur and the tibia. This soft cushion of cartilage can be torn during exercise or can be a degenerative process over time. Symptoms of a meniscal tear are swelling, stiffness, clicking, or catching sensations. The meniscus is under most pressure when you pivot or twist your knee while standing or performing a deep squat. Pain at the joint line and an MRI can best diagnose a meniscal tear. There are many shapes and sizes of tears however the meniscus has a poor blood supply and does not heal on its own, therefore arthroscopic surgery is recommended if rest and conservative treatment fails to reduce symptoms. If the tear increases over time, arthritis can occur. Meniscal degeneration and osteoarthritis are the most common arthritis pain in the elderly populations. Knee braces, corticosteroid injections, or lubricating injections are good options for non-surgical treatment.

If you or someone you know is suffering from acute or chronic knee pain, please contact our clinical staff to schedule an appointment for evaluation and treatment options.

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