Medical Journal Articles Written By Dr. Plancher


Peer Reviewed Articles

Plancher KD, Briggs K, Brite J, Petterson SC. Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) for Reporting Outcomes following Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Matched Pair Analysis Comparing UKA in ACL Deficient vs. ACL Intact Knees. British Bone and Joint Journal. In Press.

Plancher KD, Shanmugam JP, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Relevance of the Tibial Slope on Functional Outcomes in ACL-Deficient and ACL Intact Fixed-Bearing Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty. In Press.

Plancher KD, Shanmugam J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Diagnosis and Management of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears – A Comprehensive Review. Journal of the AAOS. In Press.

Plancher KD, Evely TB, Brite J, Briggs K, Petterson SC. Endoscopic/Arthroscopic Decompression of the Suprascapular Nerve at the Spinoglenoid Notch: Indications and Surgical Technique. JSES Reviews, Reports & Techniques. In Press.

Petterson SC, Agyapong G, Brite J, Shanmugam J, Briggs K, Plancher KD. Anterior Shoulder Instability: An Algorithm for Success. JAAPA. In Press.

Kolin D, Carroll K, Cushner F, Plancher KD. Perspective of Attending Physicians on the Use of Telemedicine in an Outpatient Arthroplasty Setting During the Covid-19 Pandemic. HSS Journal: The Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery. 2021; 17(1):31-35.

Plancher KD, Alwine J, Chan JJ, Petterson SC. The Accessory Medial Portal for ACL Reconstruction: A Safe Zone to Avoid Complications. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Sep 25;8(9):2325967120952674. doi: 10.1177/2325967120952674. eCollection 2020 Sep.

Plancher KD, Stelma SV, Wong LM, Petterson SC. Thumb Carpometacarpal Suspension Arthroplasty with Flexor Carpi Radialis Ligament Reconstruction and Tendon Interposition Using an Absorbable Interference Screw: A Volar Approach Technique. Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. Online ahead of print. 2020 Oct 13. 1097/BTH.0000000000000317.

Dunn ASM, Plancher KD, Petterson SC. The Shoulder Transpectoralis Arthroscopic Portal is A Safe Approach to the Arthroscopic Latarjet Procedure: A Cadaveric Analysis. Arthroscopy: Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Research. 2020. Oct 3;S0749-8063(20)30807-0. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.09.044.

Plancher KD, Ajdinovich JM, Petterson SC. Feasibility of Biceps Tenotomy Using Small Needle Arthroscopy: A Cadaver Analysis. Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 2020. 21(3):66-69.

Plancher KD, Shanmugam JP, Petterson SC. The Changing Face of Orthopedic Education: Searching for the New Reality After COVID-19. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Apr 27.

Plancher KD, Chan JJ, Bishai SK, Ibrahim TF, Petterson SC. DVT and Pulmonary Embolism Following Knee Arthroscopy: The Role of Genetic Predisposition and Autoimmune Antibodies. A Report of 3 Cases. JBJS Case Connector. April-June; 10(2)e0514.

Petterson S, Plancher KD, Klyve D, Draper D, Ortiz R. Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound for the Symptomatic Treatment of Upper Shoulder and Neck Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. J Pain Res. 2020. 13:1277-1287.

Plancher KD. CORR Insights®: Anchorless Arthroscopic Transosseous and Anchored Arthroscopic Transosseous Equivalent Rotator Cuff Repair Show No Differences in Structural Integrity or Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Matched Cohort. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 Jun;478(6):1304-1306.

Stambough JB, Curtin BM, Gililland JM, Guild GN 3rd, Kain MS, Karas V, Keeney JA, Plancher KD, Moskal JT. The Past, Present, and Future of Orthopedic Education: Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Arthroplasty. 2020 Apr 18:S0883-5403(20)30419-8.

Petterson SC, Blood T, Plancher KD. The Role of Alignment in Successful Clinical Outcomes following Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Current Concepts. Journal of ISAKOS: Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. 24 March 2020. doi: 10.1136/jisakos-2019-000401.

Plancher KD, Petterson SC. Editorial Commentary: Is This the Beginning of the End for Hospital-Based Outpatient Surgery Centers? The Wake-Up Call. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. 2019. Sep;35(9):2551-2552.

Petterson SC, Plancher KD. Single intra-articular injection of lightly cross-linked hyaluronic acid reduces knee pain in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019. Jun;27(6):1992-2002.

Book Chapters

Plassche G, Petterson SC, Plancher KD. Repair with Biologic Augment. In: Savoie F, Calvco E. Mazzocca AD, eds. The Failed Rotator Cuff: Repair, Revision, Augment, Replacement. In press.

Plassche G, Petterson SC, Plancher KD. Stress Fractures in Sport: Knee. In. Robertson GAJ and Maffulli N., eds. Fractures in Sport. In press.

Plancher KD, Petterson SC. Arthroscopic Suprascapular Nerve Release. Rotator Cuff Across The Life Span. 2019. ISBN 9783662587294.

Plancher KD, Petterson SC. Biologic Augmentation in Rotator Cuff Repair: Part I – Clinical Diagnosis, Indications and Outcomes: Can This Improve Our Results? Rotator Cuff Across The Life Span. 2019. ISBN 9783662587294.

Plancher KD, Petterson SC. Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression – the US Perspective. Rotator Cuff Across The Life Span. 2019. ISBN 9783662587294.




























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