Patient Forms

Please take the time to fill out the relevant forms in the comfort of your own home or office. This will eliminate the need to fill out multiple sheets in our office, providing a hassle free visit to our clinics.

We strongly encourage you to use a computer to fill out the patient forms to avoid legibility issues and to allow us to easily search for your information in the future. Once filled out, you can save the file for your records and print one to bring it in at the time of your visit.

Filling out the forms correctly and completely prior to your office visit will give us the opportunity to provide you with the best possible care.

Important Notes about HIPPA: We are respectful and committed to your right to maintain the privacy of your medical information. If you would like to know the details of our Privacy Policy, you may review the document found in the chart below. If you have additional concerns or questions after reviewing this policy, please feel free to follow up with our staff. In order for our practice to release your medical records, you must fill out and sign the Medical Information Release form. This form must be updated from time to time.

If you cannot access the forms, please click on the icon to download the free Adobe Reader software.
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Clinic Forms When To Use Download
New Patient Forms    
New Patient Packet Complete prior to first clinic visit PDF
Established Patients Forms    
Demographics/Insurance Update If you moved or changed insurance carriers since last visit PDF
HIPAA Forms    
Plancher Orthopaedics Privacy Policy If you are interested in learning about the details of our privacy policy PDF
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices Confirm you have received and reviewed the Notice of Privacy Practices PDF
Medical Records Release If you would like to have your medical information released, you must complete and return this form. PDF

Have you been injured in a skiing, snowboarding, or snow related accident?

Contact us about any ankle, knee, or shoulder injuries you’ve experienced this winter.