Post-Operative Care

Please know that these are general guidelines. There are exceptions that obviously depend on individualized care, injuries and recuperation. Your therapy program will be personalized for you along with your follow-up appointments. If this does not meet up to your satisfaction, please express your thoughts at the time of surgical booking because we need to understand your expectation as well as explain our guidelines. We want to manage and understand all your expectations. It is important for you to know that the four to six week time period after surgery is a crucial time in orthopaedics because it is when key adjustments in the therapy program occur. If your recovery is on target, you will be seen at three months from the date of surgery. If there are any adjustments that are needed, we will modify your post-operative care plan as necessary to ensure that we get your recovery on target to deliver the best healthcare for you. It is very important to let you know each visit, you may see one or more of the following providers during your early post-operative care doctor, nurse, physician assistant or medical assistant. Your surgery scheduler will schedule the first post-operative appointment. Please schedule the remaining appointments with the office staff to ensure you are seen at the necessary times after surgery. The easiest thing to do is to schedule all of the following appointments with the front desk when you come in for your dressing change (the first post-operative appointment). Example of Appointment Schedule:
  • 1-3 days after surgery (nurse or physician assistant for a dressing change)
  • 2 weeks after surgery (nurse or physician assistant to have steri-strips changed, sutures cut, and to assess progress)
  • 6 weeks after surgery with the doctor or physician assistant
  • 3 months with doctor
  • 6 months with doctor
  • 1 year with doctor for final check up (unless further care is needed).
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