Thank you, Dr. Plancher –

Dr. Plancher

There is nothing more meaningful than when all shoulder and elbow surgeons around the world come together to share studies, expertise, and hope.

We truly hope that you have enjoyed the journey in Korea and unforgettable moments with us at ICSES 2016. We prepared the ICSES 2016 Faculty Yearbook as a souvenir to remain as the most memorable moment in your experiences with ICSES 2016.

Warmest regards,

Jae Chul YOO, M.D.In-Ho JEON, M.D.
Scientific Committee Chair (Shoulder)Scientific Committee Chair (Elbow)

 ICSES 2016_Faculty Yearbook.pdf 

Have you been injured in a skiing, snowboarding, or snow related accident?

Contact us about any ankle, knee, or shoulder injuries you’ve experienced this winter.